

Common Name:  Sulfometuron-methyl
Chemical Name:  2-(4,6-dimethylpyrimidin-2-ylcarbamoylsulfamoyl)benzoic acid methyl ester
CAS No.: 74222-97-2
Molecular-weight: 364.4
Structural formula: C15H16N4O5S

Format: 75%WDG 10%WP 10%SC
Feature:This product is systemic herbicide, can restrain the growth of plants and root cell division, so as to prevent plants grow, plant appearance present significant red purple lost green necrosis vein pale and terminal bud death kill grass spectrum is wide and it can control most of the annual and perennial broadleaf weeds gramineous weeds and shrub with less quantity, the effect of long, after applying pesticide can keep the six months to a year without its weeds.